12th – 14th September 2025
Three Counties Showground, Malvern, Worcestershire, WR13 6NW

Upon entry you will receive a site map that contains all the key locations on site as well as a programme of events for the weekend on the back. If you lose yours please feel free to pick one up from Information or one of the entry gates. Please find below any important information about the site and its services as well as the site rules & regulations.

Showground Location

Busfest is located at the Three Counties Showground in Malvern, Worcestershire, WR13 6SP
For more information specific to the showground please see here

Gate Opening Times

To be confirmed closer to the event.

Security Control

For any emergencies please call the emergency hotline printed on your map/programme you are given upon entry to the event.

Located next to the First Aid Station near to Information at the end of the Severn hall. We have security operating throughout the site 24 hours as well as CCTV and they will always be on hand for any form of incident. If you have any lost & found please bring it to this building or ask in here if the item has been handed in.

Information & Merchandise

Located at the centre of the site on the far right end of the SEVERN HALL. Opening times are:
Friday : 12.00 – 17.00
Saturday : 09.00 – 17.00
Sunday : 09.00 – 16.00

First Aid

Located in the Teme Hall car park right in front of Information and near to security.
For any emergencies please call the emergency hotline printed on your map/programme you are given upon entry to the event.

Fire Station

We have our own on site fire crew stationed next the the main arena. There are also fire points located around the site and our fire crew will make regular patrols for everyone’s safety.
**Please note that we do not allow any open flames on the site (fire pits) and any BBQ’s must be a minimum of 6″ off the ground and safely monitored and extinguished when finished with**

Toilets & Showers

Toilet blocks are located at various places on site and shown in the map and most/all have disabled toilets available. We also have mobile welfare blocks around the camping areas.

Showers are located in the brick toilet blocks near the Teme Hall, Yellow gate, ‘No Dog’ Toilet Blocks & Stockmans restaurant.

There are also Elsan emptying points outside the permanent toilet blocks located on site as well as 4 Elsan emptying points in General (yellow) Camp & 2 in Family (brown) camping.

Cash Machines

Yes there is a cash machine on site but please note that this does charge for cash withdrawal. The cash machine is located near to the entrance for the ‘Food for Thought’ Cafe & Restaurant located by the main arena, at the end of the Severn Hall. This will be shown on the map you receive on entry. We recommend getting cash out before arriving as if this machine runs out you may have to wait a few hours before services can come in to refill it.

The Trade Village

The Trade Village will be open from 10.00 on Friday. 09.00 Saturday & Sunday. Indoor Trade Areas can be found inside the Wye & Avon Halls. Autojumble will be located at The VEHICLE SALES Area near Brown Gate.

If you wish to locate a specific trade stand please go into Information where they have a list of all the traders and where their plots are or speak to our Trade Crew in the trade hut located on the road leading to Red (trade) Gate. Please see our traders list for those attending this years event once they have all confirmed (usually a month prior to the event).

Site Shop

Located near to Information at the bottom of the SEVERN HALL selling basic provisions.

Additional site rules & regulations

Trading (i.e the selling or exchange of goods or services) is only permitted on designated trade plots, auto-jumble plots or vehicle sale pitches after payment of the appropriate fee to BUSFEST.

Generators are not permitted, only Busfest official services will have use of generators.

Fly-Posting of leaflets around the showground or onto vehicles is NOT permitted.

Skateboards, scooters & bikes are absolutely not permitted to be used inside any building or in Trade Areas during opening hours. MOTORISED / ELECTRIC skateboards, scooters or bikes (or similar) are not permitted anywhere on site (Disabled Persons Mobility Scooters excepted).

Fishing, Swimming, & Surfing in any of the open waters on the showground is not permitted.

Kites MUST NOT be flown on the site. CARBON POLES (for kites & flags) MUST not be erected on North end of the site (or ANYWHERE in the vicinity of overhead power or communication cables)

Tents & other temporary structures.  Please take special precautions to ensure that any tents, awnings, gazebos, party tents & other temporary structures you may bring with you are erected correctly and are SAFE (use Storm Lashings & Tie downs as required). We will request/demand any unsafe structures we come across are made safe or removed immediately. (THAT INCLUDES VEHICLES AS WELL!) .

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